Welcome to Liquirigs, a revolutionary new rig concept. Liquids and pastes are known to be superior in attracting fish, our products give you the ultimate options in how to harness this attractiveness and turn the liquids and pastes into your hookbait.
LiquirigS was launched in 2022 after three years of dedication towards designing and developing the ultimate carp fishing rigs.

We’re a very proud and dedicated team, a UK based company which has taken the UK Carp fishing Zig and liquid market by storm. Blood, sweat, and tears have all been shed along the way, but ultimately as anglers ourselves, we wanted to bring you the best products we could, and we couldn’t be happier with our end results.
The first of our products, The Ultimate Zig Rig, consists of a Zig Aligner Cap and a Liquid Booster Cylinder.
Starting with the Cap…
The cap can be used on its own for those anglers that like the smaller minimalist look, do you want a zig that looks like a tadpole? Ideal for those spring conditions. Not only that, you’ll also be able to attach your maggots with ease.
They can be set up with foam in many colour variations, never has it been easier to simply plug and play with your zigs, change colours in an instant to get that all important bite.
For the ultimate attraction… use with the Liquid Booster Cylinders!
The Booster cylinders have been uniquely designed and release a trail of liquid over a prolonged period, maximising the attraction of your Zig’s like never before.

The cap comes with a small piece foam pre-inserted, this gives you the buoyancy so you can plug in the Liquid Booster Cylinder, allowing your zig to slowly release liquid around your hookbait. This liquid release can last for well over 3 hours and is constantly trying to draw Carp to your hookbait.
This liquid release has never been achieved before and the results are just amazing.
The second of our products is ‘The Ultimate Dedicated Zig Liquid’.
Available in five varying colours and flavours, all have no artificial colouring or dyes. The Ultimate Dedicated Zig liquid has been uniquely formulated and blended, to be not only attractive, but to be almost neutrally buoyant, and will last many hours leaking suspended attraction around your zig.
When all used in conjunction with each other, you achieve what in our opinion really is ‘The Ultimate Zig’.

The journey of developing the ultimate Zig has also led us to many other products along the way, and with a steady flow of products already in the pipeline which will be launched in the coming months and years.
Please take the opportunity to visit our stand, we will be showing you the many tips and tricks in how use the products, with demonstrations and video’s displays.
We have no doubt you’ll be truly amazed by what you see!
See you at Carp Den Bosch
Team LiquirigS – Stand 712